Thursday, March 31, 2011

A new favorite quote...

O God, help me to believe the truth about myself
no matter how beautiful it is.  - Macrina Wiederkehr, OSB

I won't  speak for anyone else, but I've been feeling a little broken of late.
Lonely. Sad. Disappointed. Disillusioned. Empty. Wobbly. Fragmented.
Maybe it's the season changing, my allergies, being PMS, or simply the vicissitudes of life.

But last night and today, I've had the chance to talk to some folks who have reminded me that 
there is so much beauty in this life. 
There is love. Joy is an option. 
God is faithful and true and generous and loving and forgiving
no matter how good or how bad I feel. 
No matter whether or not I feel it or believe it, it is all true.

My friends have also reminded me that I am beautiful and strong and an inspiration,
a good friend, a devoted wife, and a conscientious mother.
Among other things.
None of that describes how I have been feeling this week.
And every single one of them has said, in his or her own way: 
"Whether you believe it or not, Gail, it is all true."

Why is it so easy to believe the bad stuff
and so doggone hard to believe the good stuff?
I do not know.

But today my prayer is that God will help me to believe the truth about myself
- no matter how beautiful it is.

1 comment:

jena strong said...

It is so beautiful, that truth about you. Believe it.